


Gathering, exploring, managing and securing Data are foundationally important for problem analysis & understanding, resource management & efficient accessibility and protection of sensitive information.      

Values: documentation, sharing, collaboration, feedback, gather, problem solve, document, share, organize, research, access, security, recovery, analyze, store, save time, resource management, safety, productivity, privacy, emergency response

  • Explore


Exploring external data is an important resource in problem analysis and project planning.


    • Research

      • Search Engines

        • Tool for searching the internet

        • Value: research, data collection

      • News Apps

        • Tool for searching reports online

        • Value: research, data collection

      • Encyclopedia 

        • Tool for researching more detailed or specific information online

        • Value: research, data collection


    • Access

      • Disk Imaging

        • Access, backup and recover for external storage devices

        • Value: data access, security, recovery 

      • Media Player

        • Access to various media file formats

        • Value: media access

      • OCR Software - document readers

        • Converts images to documents with character recognition

        • Value: documentation

      • Image Viewer 

        • Easily view images in their best quality

        • Value: access


    • Analyze

      • Calculators

        • Calculating beyond basics digitally, algebraic, graphing, 

        • Value: analyzing data

  • Security


Securing data can ensure privacy through encryption as well as peace of mind though recovery and backup systems.




    • Privacy

      • VPN 

        • Secure remote computer connection through a private network

        • Value: privacy, security

      • Privacy Protection

        • Secure operating systems, private browsing add ons, anti-advertisement

        • Value: privacy, security

      • File Encryption

        • Data protection through encryption

        • Value: privacy, security

      • End to End Encrypted Apps

        • Protects communication and transactions through encryption

        • Velue: privacy, security

      • Encrypted Email (wormhole / communication)

        • Protects email communication with encryption

        • Value: privacy, security


    • Security

      • Password Managers

        • Securely store multiple passwords

        • Value: safety, security

      • Antivirus

        • Virus, trojan and malware protection

        • Value: safety, security

      • Censorship Bypass

        • Access to restricted online content

        • Value: access

      • Device Tracking

        • Track phone location 

        • Value: security, emergency response

  • Manage


Managing data enables efficient storage and easy navigation to important information ensuring efficient usability of information.


    • Management Systems

      • Document Management  

        • organize, store, control, track, collaborate and share digital documents

        • Value: productivity, organize

      • Wiki Software (wormhole / people)

        • Host an encyclopedia or database with customized collaboration

        • Value: organize, collaborate

      • Personal Information & Contact Management (wormhole/people)

        • organizes personal contact & relationship info 

        • Value: organize, manage relationships

      • Social Bookmarking 

        • Collect, highlight and bookmark digital content

        • Value: gather, organize


    • File Management

      • Organize

        • Duplicate File Finder

          • Manage storage space by finding & removing duplicate files

          • Value: organize, sustainability, resource management

        • File Renaming

          • Bulk file organization & renaming

          • Value: bulk organize, resource management

        • File Tagging

          • Tag files by relevance for easy access 

          • Value: organize, time saver

        • File Copying

          • For large data copies, transfers or mirroring.  Pause/resume, from multiple folders into one

          • Value: bulk organize

        • File Deleting

          • Fully delete files for no recovery

          • Value: privacy & safety


      • Navigate

        • File Explorer

          • Search engine for your stored data, bookmark, tabbed browsing, side by side viewing

          • Value: organize, time saver

        • Tabbed file Manager

          • Switch between file folders quickly & easily within the same window

          • Value: time saver

        • Folder Sync

          • Real time access & edits across multiple devices

          • Value: productivity, time saver


      • Store

        • File  Storage (wormhole / people)

          • Upload & store files for easy access anywhere

          • Value: store, access, organize


      • Organize

        • Duplicate File Finder

          • Manage storage space by finding & removing duplicate files

          • Value: organize, sustainability, resource management

        • File Renaming

          • Bulk file organization & renaming

          • Value: bulk organize, resource management

        • File Tagging

          • Tag files by relevance for easy access 

          • Value: organize, time saver

        • File Copying

          • For large data copies, transfers or mirroring.  Pause/resume, from multiple folders into one

          • Value: bulk organize

        • File Deleting

          • Fully delete files for no recovery

          • Value: privacy & safety


  • Gather 


Gathering data is often an important first step in problem analysis and project planning. 


    • Recieve

      • Audio Recording (wormhole / identity)

        • Audio - record, mix and export audio from various sources

        • Value: documentation, sharing & collaboration

      • Screenshot Tools (wormhole / identity, people)

        • Image - screen & content capture, some with text copy ability

        • Value: documentation, sharing & collaboration

      • Screen Recording (wormhole / identity, people)

        • Video - record calls or walk throughs

        • Value: documentation, sharing & collaboration

        • Tags: low tech literacy viewers


    • Recieve

      • Audio Recording (wormhole / identity)

        • Audio - record, mix and export audio from various sources

        • Value: documentation, sharing & collaboration

      • Screenshot Tools (wormhole / identity, people)

        • Image - screen & content capture, some with text copy ability

        • Value: documentation, sharing & collaboration

      • Screen Recording (wormhole / identity, people)

        • Video - record calls or walk throughs

        • Value: documentation, sharing & collaboration

        • Tags: low tech literacy viewers


      • Crowdsourced

        • Customer feedback 

          • Gather feedback

          • Value: feedback, collaborate, problem solve

        • Voicemail

          • Set an ask and collect audio feedback

          • Value: feedback, collaborate,

        • Ad Hoc Email

          • Set an ask and collect email feedback

          • Value: feedback, collaborate,

        • Forms (wormhole: people)

          • Text - personalized survey, quiz, registration, contact, feedback questionnaire builders

          • Value: documentation, sharing, organize

      • Embedded

        • Audio Recording Widget

          • Embedded Audio or Video recording, simple click & record

          • Value: feedback, collaborate, 

          • Tag: ideal for gathering data from low tech users

        • Video Recording Widget

          • Embedded Audio or Video recording, simple click & record

          • Value: feedback, collaborate, 

          • Tag: ideal for gathering data from low tech users

        • File Upload widget

          • Upload button to collect files 

          • Value: feedback, collaborate,


    • Capture

      • Notepad & Note Taking

        • Multi-Media - capturing notes from text, image, audio, video, some with text recognition.

        • Value: documentation, sharing & collaboration

      • Sticky or Post It Notes

        • Text - temporary digital note capture, mostly text only

        • Value: documentation & organization 

      • Text Expanders 

        • Text pasting for acronyms and short-hand typing

        • Value: time save

      • Word Processors

        • Create, edit, adjust and print documents

        • Value: communicate, share, collaborate