


The identity of an organization goes beyond conveying a mission statement - into sharing stories and experiences that capture the culture and personality of the organization. (Source)

Values: access, promote, relationship management, identity, community gathering, communicate


      • Image & Graphics

        • Screenshot Tools (wormhole / people, data)

          • Image - screen & content capture, some with text copy ability

          • Value: documentation, sharing & collaboration

        • Graphic Design Software 

          • Design, illustrate, color, effects to create graphic designs

          • Value: communicate, marketing

        • Infographic Generators

          • Create informative graphics, reports, posters

          • Value: communicate


      • Data Visualization (wormhole / communication)

        • Spreadsheet Charting Tools

          • Organize data visually in a spreadsheet with formula, table & chart creation tools

          • Value: organize, communicate

        • Chart PlugIns

          • Generate & embed interactive data tables for websites

          • Value: communicate

        • Web Charts

          • Create & host interactive or static visuals for complex data

          • Value: communicate


      • Concept Mapping (wormhole / communication)

        • Flowcharts (wormhole / people)

          • Visually conceptualize with flowcharts, diagrams or wireframes

          • Value: conceptualize

        • Mindmap (wormhole / people)

          • Visual mapping of concepts or ideas and their interconnecting relationships

          • Value: communicate, share, conceptualize

        • Geo Info Systems

          • Create, visualize, analyze and manage geographic data

          • Value: gather data, telling stories

        • Timeline Software (wormhole: communication / people)

          • Display events along an interactive timeline

          • Value: identity, telling stories

  • Audio
      • Audio Recording (wormhole / data)

        • Audio - record, mix and export audio from various sources

        • Value: sharing & collaboration, protects vulnerable pop

      • Audio Extraction

        • Extract audio from video interview or podcast etc

        • Value: access, sharing & collaboration, protects vulnerable pop

  • Video
      • Webcam Software

        • Record video or take pictures with your web camera

        • Value: capture

      • Live Streams

        • Record, broadcast and livestream video

        • Value: capture, present

      • DVD Ripping

        • Extract video files from DVDs

        • Value: access

  • Website Builders (wormhole: communication)




    • Audio

      • Audio Editing

        • Edit, modify and tweak audio files

        • Value: organize, edit, protects vulnerable pop


    • Video

      • Video Editor

        • Post process video editing

        • Value: editing

      • Video Conversion

        • Convert video files for accessibility or to save on storage

        • Value: access, storage

      • Video to Gif converter - for social media posting

        • Convert video into shareable, popular, short gif animations

        • Value: promotion

      • DVD Copying

        • Make multiple copies of a DVD for distribution

        • Value: promotion


    • Website (wormhole: communication)

      • Web Design

        • Design tools for a website

        • Value: identity, communication

      • Front End Framework

        • Website coding framework for user interfacing

        • Value: creation

      • Back End Framework

        • Website coding framework for server interfacing & function

        • Value: creation


  • Promote

    • Promotion (aka “Marketing” wormhole / communication, people, finance)

      • Email Promotion 

        • Send newsletters, campaigns, announcements

        • Value: promotion, relationship management

      • Web Exposure 

        • boost public exposure of your organization, campaign, etc

        • Value: promotion, identity, community gathering

      • SMS Blast

        • Bulk text message based promotion or announcements

        • Value: communicate, promotion

      • Social Media Blast

        • Bulk social media promotion or announcements

        • Value: communicate, promotion


    • Multi-Media Live

      • Slideshows & Presentation (wormhole / people)

        • Present concepts, stories or training in traditional slideshows or dynamic visuals

        • Value: educate, communicate 

      • Webinars (wormhole: identity)

        • HD Live conference with hundreds, screenshare, chat & other features

        • Value: educate, communicate


    • Visual

      • Photo Sharing (wormhole - communication)

        • Vanues of photo sharing for various purposes

        • Value: communicate, share

      • Image Hosting (wormhole / communication, data)

        • Digital image storage 

        • Value: organize


    • Audio

      • Audio Hosting & Podcasts (wormhole / people, communication)

        • Digital radio to upload & promote shows, podcasts or audio mixes

        • Value: communicate, identity, protects vulnerable pop


    • Video

      • Video Hosting

        • Video can be hosted on your own servers or by hosting services

        • Value: empathy, communicate, story

      •  Burning

        • Save video files to DVDs

        • Value: share, store, backup

      • DVD Authoring

        • Formats DVDs to be viewable in DVD players

        • Value: access


    • Online (wormhole: communication)

      • Domain & Web Hosting

        • Register a unique URL and host a website on a server

        • Value: identity, community building

      • Social Networks (wormhole / people, communication)

        • Build a digital social network to share and discuss interests or beliefs

        • Value: community building, communicate

      • Blogging (wormhole / identity)

        • Share regular posts or newsletters 

        • Value: communicate