

From gathering and mobilizing people for events or under a cause, to group collaboration on projects or training - building community and managing interpersonal relationships are vital to organizational success.  

Values: relationship management, organize, community building, communicate, event planning, collaboration, travel planning, safety, budgeting, activism, projects, share, document, prioritize, accountability, income, learning


Physically bringing people together helps build a network of support and community for everyone involved including an organization and its goals.



    • Events

      • Community Gathering

        • Create and advertise events to gather like minded people

        • Value: community building, event planning

      • Invitation Software

        • Create, advertise, invite, manage events & ticketing

        • Value: income, event planning, community building

      • Reservations

        • Scheduling and appointment booking software

        • Value: organize, event planning, income


    • Maps

      • Maps

        • Digital maps with directions, traffic, locations & more - see additional software

        • Value: travel planning, event planning

      • Maps Offline

        • Digital maps available without data or internet connections

        • Value: safety, travel planning, event planning

      • Turn by Turn Navigation

        • Digital maps with specific turn-by-turn directions for users

        • Value: safety, travel planning, event planning


    • Travel

      • Travel Planner

        • Guidance with planning & budgeting for travel

        • Value: event planning, travel planning, budgeting

      • Travel Guide

        • Location, place and venue comparisons internationally

        • Value: event planning, travel planning, budgeting

      • Itineraries

        • Itinerary and travel plan builders

        • Value: travel planning, event planning


Relationship Management

    • CRM 

      • relationship management software

      • Value: relationship management

    • Personal Information & Contact Management (wormhole/people)

      • organizes personal contact & relationship info 

      • Value: organize, manage relationships

    • Social Networks (wormhole / identity)

      • Build a digital social network to share and discuss interests or beliefs

      • Value: community building, communicate


Uniting behind a cause through petitions or campaigns is important for bringing about positive change along, finding camaraderie and building a community.



    • Promotion (“Marketing” wormhole / communication, people, identity, finance)

      • Email Promotion 

        • Send newsletters, campaigns, announcements

        • Value: promotion, relationship management

      • Web Exposure 

        • boost public exposure of your organization, campaign, etc

        • Value: promotion, identity, community gathering

      • SMS Blast

        • Bulk text message based promotion or announcements

        • Value: communicate, promotion

      • Social Media Blast

        • Bulk social media promotion or announcements

        • Value: communicate, promotion


    • Campaign Software (Capterra Link)

      • Campaign management, canvassing, engagement, outreach & fundraising softwares

      • Value: income, organize, activism, communicate


    • Petition Platforms

      • Unite voices behind a cause to push for change

      • Value: communicate, activism


Successful projects utilize shared files and calendars along with efficient collaboration and productivity management to achieve their goals.



    • Productivity

      • Project Management 

        • Project planning, implementation, tracking, reporting and more

        • Value: organize, projects

      • To Do List & Action Item Managers

        • Create check-lists to multi-step workflow and processes

        • Value: projects, prioritize,

      • Work Tracking

        • Work logs, time keeping & tracking

        • Value: accountability

      • Flowcharts (wormhole / identity)

        • Visually conceptualize with flowcharts, diagrams or wireframes

        • Value: conceptualize

      • Mindmap (wormhole / identity)

        • Visual mapping of concepts or ideas and their interconnecting relationships

        • Value: communicate, share, conceptualize


    • Collaboration

      • Chat Clients (wormhole / communication)

          • Send text, audio, video, messages with other file attachments

          • Value: communicate, collaborate

      • Online Meetings (wormhole / communication)

        • Enables remote meetings online with video, audio and other features

        • Value: communicate, collaborate

      • Wiki Software - online encyclopedia (wormhole / data)

        • Open source collaborative database / encyclopedia

        • Value: collaborate, share, knowledge base

      • Team Collaboration

        • Collaborative team messaging, sharing, managing & more

        • Value: projects, collaboration, share, communicate


    • File Sharing

      • Sharing

        • Shared File Drives

          • File storage and live syncing for sharing and collaboration

          • Value: projects, organize, share, collaborate

        • Live Docs

          • Create, edit, collaborate & share live documents

          • Value: projects, collaborate, share, document

      • Tools

  • Sending (wormhole / communication)

    • File Sending 

      • Send audio, video, document or other files

      • Value: communicate, share

    • Large File Sending 

      • Share large audio, video, document or other files 

      • Value: communicate, share



In addition to teaching and learning, training establishes the efficiency of shared organization processes, procedures and workflow culture.



    • Present

      • Slideshows & Presentation (wormhole/identity)

        • Present concepts, stories or training in traditional slideshows or dynamic visuals

        • Value: educate, communicate 

      • Webinars (wormhole: identity)

        • HD Live conference with hundreds, screenshare, chat & other features

        • Value: educate, communicate 

      • Podcasts (wormhole / communication, identity)

        • Digital radio to upload & promote shows, podcasts or audio mixes

        • Value: communicate, identity, training


    • Demonstrate

      • Screenshot Tools (wormhole / identity, data)

        • Image - screen & content capture, some with text copy ability

        • Value: documentation, sharing & collaboration

      • Screen Recording (wormhole / identity, data)

        • Video - record calls or walk throughs

        • Value: documentation, sharing & collaboration

        • Tags: low tech literacy viewers


    • Inform

      • File Storage (wormhole / data)

        • Upload & store files for easy access anywhere

        • Value: store, access

      • Drag & Drop Website builders (wormhole / identity, communication)

        • Build stylistic websites easily

        • Value: time saver, identity, communication

      • Wikis (wormhole / data)

        • Crowdsourced knowledge base development 

        • Value: collaborate, knowledge base

      • eBook & iBook

        •  Multiple format eBook creators

        • Value: knowledge base, train


    • Tools

      • Forms (wormhole: Data)

        • Text - personalized survey, quiz, registration, contact, feedback questionnaire builders

        • Value: documentation, sharing, organize